Make a difference
Apogee is a proud Agent of solutions by
SEaB Energy
SEaB Energy manufactures award-winning waste-to-energy technology. SEaB’s containerised Anaerobic Digestion units, the Flexibuster™ and Muckbuster®, turn organic waste into energy exactly at the point where the waste is produced and the energy is required. Designed to be a modular and scalable technology, they are ideally suited to small and medium scale sites that produce between 500kg and 2500kg of organic waste per day.
The problem: The food chain produces a lot of waste material which needs managing. Traditional ways of dealing with this waste are not sustainable. The increasing pressure on landfill sites is driving the cost of waste management up. Hauling this waste from the point of production to centralised facilities adds cost and increases the carbon footprint of the waste.
The solution: Flexibuster™: The multi-award winning technology from SEaB energy that can be delivered to site ready for plug-and-play installation, and which turns your organic waste into energy right at the point where the waste is generated and the energy is required.
SEaB Energy is a UK based company that operates from and manufactures in the England, Portugal and the USA. All components of the Muckbuster® and Flexibuster™ are fully assembled, ready to be shipped and quickly installed at your site. Additionally, SEaB teams with lab services to provide a site survey , where they analyse feedstock samples from their customers to accurately estimate how much green energy a Muckbuster® or a Flexibuster™ can produce.
The Problem: Manure, slurry and similar waste streams are creating a waste management headache on a global scale. Increasing levels of legislation and taxation are making it harder to spread this waste material on agricultural land. Removal from site to a centralised treatment facility is often not financially viable.
The Solution: Muckbuster® has been designed specifically to treat slurry, manure and similar waste streams in an award-winning, containerised Anaerobic Digestion (AD) unit that captures the energy potential of organic waste.